We publish the greater part (pp. 5-28) of the Introduction to Dr. Haswell-Todd’s 2015 dissertation The Turn to The Self: A History of Autism, 1910–1944. The dissertation is available in its entirety in our library.

The terms “neurodiverse” and “neurodivergent” are related, but they have slightly different meanings.

“Neurodiverse” refers to a place, not an individual. “Neurodivergent” is an umbrella term that is used to describe individuals with a wide range of neurological differences, such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other conditions that affect the way a person thinks, learns, and communicates. The term “Neurodiverse” multiple neurotypes, and focusses on the presence of neurological differences within a group or place. Just like Biodiversity, does not relate to a individual animal or tree, but to the fact that in an ecosystem, there is a level of diversity within that system.

As Judy Singer puts it: All humans are neurodiverse, because each one of us has a unique brain, comprised of our genetic heritage (Nature) and cultural and experiential recordings (Nurture). Thus it can be seen that Neurodiversity is simply a catchy name for “Human Nature”. This reminds us that there is an environmental basis for respecting the variability of cognitive differences, both abilities and disabilities.

This has implications for education, and workplaces. If we are going to create Neurodiverse Workplaces, it includes a responsibility to assess such behaviours which are often found in people in leadership positions, to ensure that all are protected from the negative aspects.

The term also emphasizes the idea that neurodivergent conditions are a variation of human diversity, rather than ‘disorders’ or ‘deficits’ as the medical paradigm frames neurodivergent individuals. The word is often used to promote the acceptance and inclusion of individuals with neurological differences, and to recognize and value their unique strengths and abilities, even when its not used in exactly the way the word is defined by. “Neurodiverse” is a word which is often used in the wrong way, by people meaning “neurodivergent”, or another word describing the neurologically distinct. The Neurodiversity Foundation is therefore mild when persons used this term wrong, most people do, but also expects leaders of organizations using these words, to understand what they mean, and not make the confusion worse, by giving credibility to wrong interpretations of the word.

A short explanation could be: A group or place can be neurodiverse, a individual cannot be neurodiverse. “Neurodiversity” spans all types of humans, both neurodivergent and neurotypical. Or as we say at the Neurodiversity Foundation: “Neurodiversity, means all of us”.

“Neurodivergent” is a more specific term that is often used to describe individuals who have a neurological condition that is considered to be different from the dominant societal norm. The term is often used as an alternative to the traditional medical model, which often views these conditions as disorders or deficits that need to be fixed. It also provides a way for individuals to assert their own identity and autonomy, rather than being defined by medical labels or societal expectations.

All the three terms are important in the neurodiversity paradigm, in promoting acceptance, inclusion and understanding of individuals with neurological differences. In education and workplaces, recognizing and understanding the difference between the terms can help educators and team members/leaders, to provide the right support, accommodations and inclusive environment for neurodiverse groups and neurodivergent students or employees/team members.

This article is reprinted from https://neurodiversiteit.nl/faq/

Reframing Autism Am I Autistic

If you’re reading this page, chances are that you’re wondering if you might be Autistic. Welcome!

Perhaps you’ve always had a suspicion. Maybe you know other neurodivergent people and recognise a lot of their traits in yourself. Or maybe someone in your life has suggested you may be Autistic. Whatever your reason, first of all, know that you are safe and welcome here, however you identify! If you think you may be Autistic, you might be wondering where to start to explore that idea – it can all seem a little overwhelming at first, and that’s okay!

First, there’s something you should know: there is no right or wrong way to come to the conclusion that you’re Autistic.

Some Autistic individuals explore their potential Autistic identity with a mental health professional and may end up formally identified or diagnosed. Other Autistic individuals explore their potential Autistic identity much more personally through research and resonance with other Autistic people’s experiences. Not every Autistic person has a formal diagnosis. Many of us self-diagnose or self-identify as Autistic based on our own personal research. Any route to your self-discovery is completely valid.

There are many reasons why one might not have or might not pursue a formal diagnosis – cost, accessibility, and availability are just some reasons. Whilst a formal diagnosis can be very helpful in using to apply for funding to help support you (if you are applying to the National Disability Insurance Scheme or NDIS, for example), a formal diagnosis isn’t necessary to tell you that you’re Autistic. However you arrive at the conclusion, you are valid, and you get to identify however you choose.

Read more: Learn about being Autistic

Finding clarity in exploring your identity

The journey to understanding your neurotype and identity is unique to you. For some, considering yourself through an Autistic lens will give immediate clarity and it will be clear that being Autistic is who you are, and explains so much of your past experiences. For others, the road will be less sure, and you may doubt or question your Autistic identity – and your non-autistic identity! – many times over before settling into a firm understanding of your neurotype.

For some, this journey will be a solo affair, just you and your brain. For others, it will be a collective journey, leaning on and learning from other late-identified Autists.

Others still will want to consider their identity with the support of a professional, like a psychologist and counsellor. For some, having the certainty of a formal diagnosis will be vital. For others, self-identifying will be either preferable or necessitated by the many barriers to professional diagnosis.

However you find clarity about your identity is absolutely valid, and you are welcome in our community as you explore the way you are in the world.

Read more: Understanding your neurotype

Understanding the spectrum

There are lots of characteristics and traits that are associated with being Autistic, and it’s important to remember that the vast majority of Autistic people  won’t display every single characteristic. But we hope this section might provide you with some areas in which you could consider your own functioning, capacity and preferences. We hope this will help to guide you in some small way.

We think it is helpful to think of Autism as a colour wheel or prism, instead of as a linear spectrum. When we think of a linear spectrum, we often want to categorise people into a binary of “more” or “less” Autistic. This isn’t an accurate representation of the complexity of our experiences at all!  You may have very strong Autistic characteristics in one area (e.g., sensory differences), but have less marked characteristics in another (e.g., executive functioning).

Indeed, your Autistic characteristics are likely to change depending on the context, both internal (e.g., when you’re tired versus when you’re well rested) and external (e.g., when you’re in a safe place with safe people versus when you’re in an overwhelming environment).

Importantly, each Autistic person will experience their strengths and challenges completely differently to other Autistic people.

Read more: Understanding the spectrum

Identifying your Autistic characteristics

There are some Autistic characteristics that you might have identified in yourself, including:

  • Finding superficial conversation or “small talk” difficult (e.g., do you find it easy to chat with your colleagues about the weather, or share niceties with other parents at school pick up?)
  • Speaking in a flat affect or a monotone voice, or speaking with unusual volume, accent or unexpected variety (e.g., do people often mistake your tone of voice or note that you are loud?)
  • Using repetitive words and phrases (e.g., do you like to quote TV shows, movies or music lyrics when chatting with others, or do you rely heavily on pre-prepared scripts when you’re in social situations?)
  • Having intense interests that you’re very passionate about (e.g., have you had a particular passion about which you’re considered an expert, or do you often change passions, but you want to know everything about a particular topic in which you’re interested?)
  • Finding it challenging to read or understand the tone, body language or facial expressions of others, or having difficulty using these methods to express your own emotions (e.g., do you find it difficult to work out when someone is joking or sarcastic, or do people misunderstand when you are joking?)
  • Being a literal thinker (e.g., does idiom confuse you… like are you more concerned about the birds than the meaning when someone uses the phrase “kill two birds with one stone”?)
  • Seeing details, characteristics, and patterns in the world around you that others may miss (e.g., do you often point out changes in your environment that other people haven’t even noticed?)
  • Enjoying routine and consistency, and finding change challenging (e.g., do you rely on routines in your daily life to ensure things are done in a way that makes you feel comfortable, like eating the same foods or travelling the same route to work or parking in the same place at the shops?)
  • Experiencing difficulty regulating your emotional responses, especially if distressed, and sometimes finding yourself shutting down or melting down (e.g., do you become overwhelmed by too many people speaking at once, and feel like screaming because you don’t know who to listen to, or which sound is most important?)
  • Experiencing sensory differences (e.g., do you feel physically ill with certain smells, or find loud and competing noises hurt your head, or need sunglasses to cut out the glare even when others don’t seem to notice?)

Of course, this is a brief list, and for more information, you can click the button below to learn more about the differences in communication, socialising, thinking and processing that are common for Autistic people.

Read more: Autistic characteristics

Demystifying diagnosis

If you think you have some Autistic characteristics, you might question why you would consider getting assessed at this stage in your life. Ultimately, there is no right or wrong answer to this question, it is a personal decision.

Regardless of whether you get a formal diagnosis, if you self-identify as Autistic, you are welcome in the Autistic community. Diagnosis is a privilege and your decision to pursue one will depend on many variables (it is often expensive, time-consuming, and dependent upon access to knowledgeable and experienced diagnosticians who can understand the nuanced Autistic presentations). Not having a formal diagnosis doesn’t make you any less Autistic.

There are, nevertheless, some benefits to getting a professional diagnosis for some people, such as:

  • It may help you to receive any appropriate funding, support and help you might need
  • Your family, friends and colleagues (if you choose to tell them) may be able to better understand you and your needs, and it may allow them to support you more effectively
  • You may have a more structured way to explore and better understand yourself and your experiences throughout your life until now
  • You may have some trauma or co-occurring mental health challenges intertwined with your Autism, and a professional can help you unpack these

If you decide to pursue a formal diagnosis, this will involve appropriately qualified health professionals gathering and considering a range of historical, current and developmental information against the criteria for Autism. Some Autistic people say that the diagnostic process itself is liberating and enlightening. Others find it a draining, expensive, and challenging process. Much of your experience of the process depends on how neuro-affirming your diagnostician or diagnostic team are.

There are several options to getting a diagnosis, primarily:

  • Booking an appointment with your GP and letting them know you’re interested in an Autism assessment – they can refer you to the appropriate diagnostic professionals, or
  • Self-referring yourself to a psychologist or psychiatrist that offers Autism assessments.

In Australia, there are a number of government-funded services that specialise in the assessment and diagnosis of Autism, and these organisations usually operate by referral from your GP.

There are also many private practitioners and organisations that conduct these assessments on a fee-paying basis. The cost of assessment can be burdensome for many people, and each clinic will offer varying fee structures and payment options – so “shopping around” and finding the best option for you is often necessary.

There are two sets of Autism diagnostic criteria commonly used throughout Australia and the world:

  • The American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (currently in its fifth edition – DSM-5). Autism is defined in two “domains” – social communication on the one hand, and restricted and repetitive interests and behaviours (including sensory differences) on the other. The DSM-5 is written in a way that frames Autism as a disorder and Autistic behaviours as impairments, deficits and abnormalities. A good neuro-affirming clinician will be able to explain the DSM-5 diagnostic criteria to you in a way that removes this medical frame and assess your support needs holistically and within the contexts of your strengths and challenges.
  • The World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Diseases (currently in its 11th edition – ICD-11). The ICD-11 requires clinicians to specify the presence and extent of intellectual and language impairment, along with the impact on areas of functioning.

Assessment tools often use a series of questions, in-person observations, and clinical interactions to support a professional diagnosis of Autism.

Depending on your needs, your health professional will gather information about your medical and health history as well as your:

  • Developmental and educational history. You may be asked about your development and experiences as a child and teenager, across different life domains (e.g., social, educational).
  • Autism-specific signs and/or traits. You may be asked about behaviours, preferences, and feelings relating to social communication and interactions, and you may explore any of your traits that might suggest you meet the criterion around “restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour and interest”.
  • Other relevant behaviours, signs and/or traits. You may be asked about the presence of any co-occurring conditions and/or differential diagnosis that might better explain Autism-like traits.

The diagnostic professional may also discuss your mental health. It is important that you answer these questions as honestly and openly as you can, so that your assessor can get a full understanding of your health.

Research tells us that a range of mental health conditions are common among Autistic adults. These can include depression, anxiety (including social anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD) and thoughts of suicide. If you are experiencing symptoms of any of these conditions, your doctor will be able to refer you to appropriate professionals for further investigation and support.

In preparing for an Autism assessment, or deciding if an assessment is the right option for you, you may like to ask any health professionals some important questions to help you decide.

We recommend asking the following questions, as a starting point. You might like to request this information in writing so that you have sufficient time to process and analyse its potential impact on you:

  • What is going to be involved in getting an assessment?
  • How much will it cost?
  • How long will it take?
  • When will I find out if I am Autistic?
  • What will happen if I am Autistic? What will happen if I’m not Autistic?
  • Will a report be developed? Will I get a copy? How long will this take?
  • Will the report be passed onto anyone else?
  • Will the report help me to apply for supports, funding or other accommodations if necessary?
  • Will the assessment give information about my strengths and how can they be maximised?
  • Are there any other assessments that might be useful?
  • How will the results influence the supports I can access?
  • Do you have any articles or resources on Autism?


Self-identification is very personal, and the pathway will be unique to each person. Most Autistic people who self-identify as Autistic come to the conclusion that they are Autistic after doing lots of research and reflection, and may not feel that pursuing a formal diagnosis is necessary for them.

This research and reflection can include:

  • Reading articles and resources that explain Autism (especially those by Autistic people themselves), and thinking about if and how the characteristics apply to you,
  • Listening to Autistic voices and hearing the discovery stories of Autistic people to see if their perspectives resonate with you or feel descriptive of your life too, and
  • Spending time in neurodivergent communities (either online or in-person) where you can ask questions and gain direct insight from others who have been where you are right now.

There’s no right or wrong way to go about self-identification and, like any identity, you get to say who you are and how you identify.

You may feel that you have a lot of Autistic traits, but choose not to identify as an Autistic person. That’s okay. You may also feel that you’re inherently Autistic, or have a gut feeling or a sense of “knowing” upon realising that you might be Autistic, regardless of how many traits you have. That’s okay too!

Ultimately, you get to decide who you are and how you identify yourself, and no one else can make that decision for you.

Navigating mixed feelings

It’s perfectly normal, and perfectly valid, to having mixed feelings upon discovering that you’re Autistic.

For some people, it’s pure elation and a feeling of coming home to themselves. For others, the dominant feeling can be frustration, guilt or even shame.

However you feel, know that it’s okay to feel your feelings. Your feelings are yours alone and there’s no right or wrong way to feel right now. It’s our hope that by sharing Autistic experiences and perspectives, you can learn more about yourself and why you’re awesome.

If you’re struggling with how you’re feeling, we highly encourage you to reach out to a trusted professional – a family doctor, therapist, counsellor or psychologist can point you in the right direction and give you strategies to manage any distressing feelings that you might be having. Even trying something like art therapy might help you to process through your feelings!

Many people who suspect that they may be Autistic may also wind up discovering that they’re not Autistic after all… that’s entirely okay (obviously)!

In the process of coming to that conclusion, you’ve learned some more about Autism and potentially made some cool new Autistic friends online or in-person.

Discovery of one’s identity is an ongoing process – and if you decide that maybe you’re not Autistic, hopefully the information you learned along the way better equips you to understand yourself. Perhaps you may like to consider researching other neurodivergences (such as ADHD) that could apply to you, or mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety and OCD (which also co-occur in many people who are Autistic, or have once suspected that they are Autistic).

Knowledge is power, and we fully believe in and celebrate the autonomy of the individual to take charge of learning more about themselves so they can better cater to what helps them thrive in their life – whatever that means for them, and however they identify.

Next steps

There is no right or wrong way to start on your journey of self-discovery of your own Autistic (or other neurodivergent) identity – you can take whichever steps you need and in whichever order you need! Realistically, the journey of self-discovery never ends, so this is just the beginning!

As we learn more about ourselves and embrace our Autistic identity more and more, we will invariably uncover greater ways to advocate for ourselves and our communities.

Here are some possible first steps that you might like to consider, in no particular order:

By Lisa Jo Rudy

The word “neurotypical” is an informal term used to describe a person whose brain functions are considered usual or expected by society. This term is often applied to people who do not have a developmental disorder like autism, differentiating them from those who do. It is neither a mental disorder nor even an official diagnostic term.

Other terms commonly used include “neurodivergent” which describes someone who isn’t neurotypical, and “neurodiverse” which generally refers to differences in brain function among people diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). These words can be applied to other neurodevelopmental conditions like dyslexia or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

This article describes the characteristics of a neurotypical person and explains how they differ from a neurodivergent person. It also explains how neurodiversity is expressed in autistic people and why it is not the same thing as a “disability.”

Neurotypical personality traits.
Illustration by Brianna Gilmartin for Verywell Health


What Is a Neurotypical Person?

A neurotypical person is an individual who thinks, perceives, and behaves in ways that are considered the norm by the general population. Institutions such as schools, sports leagues, and places of employment are typically designed to accommodate people who fit into these norms.

Neurotypical does not mean “normal.” It simply means that the behaviors fall within expected boundaries, which can differ from one culture to another. (Direct eye contact, for example, is considered rude in some cultures and expected in others.)


Examples of Neurotypical Characteristics

Neurotypical characteristics are broadly characterized as those that are expected within a given culture. Examples include:

  • Developing verbal, physical, social, and intellectual skills at an expected pace, order, and level
  • Communicating in an expected way by listening and responding in a give-and-take manner
  • Being able to pay attention and look someone in the eye while speaking
  • Communicating at the appropriate volume and speed for the situation you are in
  • Communicating nonverbally with facial expression and body language
  • Ability to show interest and empathy
  • Being able to recognize and respond to someone else’s facial expression and body language
  • Knowing the difference between a literal meaning (like “he jumped off a bridge”) and abstract meaning (like “go jump off a bridge”)
  • Being able to shift your attention from one task or subject to another
  • Ability to work collaboratively
  • Navigating multiple stimuli like sounds, sights, and smells by “tuning out” certain ones and focusing on others


What Does Neurodivergent Mean?

Neurodivergent means that a person’s brain works in a way that is not expected. It is commonly used when the behavior or response differs from what is expected socially, physically, or verbally.

The term was first coined as an alternative to “atypical” in autistic people. It was considered a more accurate description given that “atypical” can be regarded as “abnormal” by some.

“Neurodivergent” today can be applied to any neurodevelopment disorder. These are conditions in which a person’s brain function differs from how others in a society or culture normally think, function, or perform.

Examples include:


Examples of Neurodivergent Characteristics

Neurodivergent characteristics are neither bad nor good. While some behaviors may be considered disruptive, others may be considered positive strengths. The term describes differences in the way a person’s brain works.

These are just some of the challenges and strengths an autistic person may express.


  • Doesn’t engage in verbal communication
  • Doesn’t express emotions, feelings, or empathy
  • Doesn’t show interest or response when spoken to
  • Speaks with an abnormal tone or rhythm
  • Difficulty recognizing nonverbal cues
  • An intense focus on a particular object or subject
  • Repetitive movements, like rocking or flapping
  • Inability to adapt to a change of routine or focus
  • Inability to engage in abstract thought or make-belief
  • Difficulty engaging in group activities
  • Overreaction to specific sounds, sights, textures, tastes, or smells


  • Ability to focus intensely on a specific topic
  • Being honest and straightforward
  • Being observant
  • Being detail-oriented or goal-focused
  • Having exceptional memory skills with facts and figures
  • Being good with puzzles and problem-solving
  • Having above-average skills in math, music, or art
  • Excelling with repetitive tasks
  • Ability to work effectively in isolation
  • Highly motivated by topics or activities that are of interest
  • Having a high degree of accuracy when performing tasks


The Neurodiversity Movement

Neurodiversity is not the same thing as being neurodivergent. The term was first coined to describe the diversity in how autism is expressed from one person to the next. It recognized that there was not one form of autism and that autism traits were neither “abnormal” nor inherently indicative of disability.

The neurodiversity movement focuses on the idea that developmental differences that may be seen in autism, ADHD, dyslexia, and other conditions should not be considered traits of a disorder. These traits are seen instead as typical expressions that don’t require treatment.1

By 2014, the term “neurotypical” had become common enough to become the title of a PBS documentary. This film featured autistic individuals who describe their views of themselves in relation to “normal” society, who they often refer to as “neurotypicals.”

In 2015, Steve Silberman wrote the book “NeuroTribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity.” It argues that ASD has been a part of the human condition throughout history. By understanding their autism, he argues, some adults are discovering their “neurotribes”—that is, their neurological kin.

Is Neurodiversity a Disability?

While everyone with a brain-based disability is considered neurodivergent, not everyone who is neurodivergent is considered disabled. The neurodiversity movement is a celebration of the vast differences in people’s thought processes and behavior. The movement advocates for acknowledging and accommodating those differences.



The word “neurotypical” may be used to refer to individuals who think, learn, and behave in ways that are considered the norm. Institutions like schools and workplaces are often designed to best suit those who fit into these norms.

The word “neurodiversity” describes the idea that there are many ways to think, learn, and behave. The neurodiversity movement supports the idea that developmental differences should be embraced and seen as typical, instead of treated like traits of a disorder.

1 Source
Lisa Jo Rudy

By Lisa Jo Rudy
Rudy is a writer, consultant, author, and advocate who specializes in autism. Her work has appeared in The New York Times and Autism Parenting Magazine.

The Autism Quotient (AQ) A standard screener for Autism includes 50 questions and measures how many Autistic traits a person has. Pros: It has been widely used in many populations and studies—one of the few screeners specifically created for Autistic adults without co-occurring intellectual disabilities. Cons: It may miss high-maskers, extroverted

“Reality simply consists of different points of view.” -Margaret Atwood. We the neurodivergent are genetically different. We experience the world through a hypersensitive nervous system which informs every aspect of our thinking, our behavior, and our social values. The dominant social group labels our way of being in the world as disordered because they don’t understand us. Even though they don’t understand, the dominant culture controls the narrative about our differences.

Neurotypical, neurodivergent and neurodiverse are terms that are used to describe how an individual(s) sees, interacts and understands the world. These words helped change, deflect and broaden the conversation from focusing on the mental health component of the behaviors involved.

Neurodivergence is the term for when someone’s brain processes, learns, and/or behaves differently from what is considered “typical.” Formerly considered a problem or abnormal, scientists now understand that neurodivergence isn’t inherently an issue for the individual and that it has a large societal benefit. Not all presentations of neurodivergence are a disability, like synesthesia, but all are a difference in how the brain works.

Disclaimer: This is just a bit of fun and of course is extremely overgeneralised. Everyone is different! In-case you are unfamiliar with the language of neurodiversity: NEURODIVERSITY = The diversity of human minds. Includes both neurotypical’s and neurodivergent’s. A group of people where some are neurotypical and others are neurodivergent. NEURODIVERGENT = A person who has a different brain from what is considered the norm.

Neurodivergence is a term that has gained recognition in recent years, but what does it actually mean? In simple terms, neurodivergence refers to the natural variations in how our brains function and process information. It recognizes that not everyone’s brain works in the same way, and that these differences should be respected and valued.